Kangana Ranaut is currently gearing up for Thalaivi, the upcoming bilingual biopic of late Jayalalithaa in Hindi and Tamil. The film will trace the journey of the late leader from silver screen to politics. It is directed by AL Vijay, and also stars Arvind Swami, Prakash Raj, Madhoo and Bhagyashree. And now the actress will play the role of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in an upcoming political drama. She said that the yet-untitled film is not a biopic and has also revealed that many prominent actors will be a part of the upcoming project.
"Yes, we are working on the project and the script is in final stages. It is not the biopic of Indira Gandhi, it is a grand period film, to be precise a political drama that will help my generation to understand (the) socio-political landscape of current India," Kangana said, in a statement released by her office. She further added, "Many prominent actors will be part of this film and of course I am looking forward to playing the most iconic leader that we have had in the history of Indian politics."
Kangana said that "the film is based on a book", although she did not elaborate on which written work. She will produce the film that will feature Emergency and Operation Blue Star. Director Sai Kabir, who worked with Kangana earlier in Revolver Rani, will write the story and screenplay, and also direct the project.
The period film will be mounted on a very big scale, and have actors portraying Sanjay Gandhi, Rajeev Gandhi, Morarji Desai, and Lal Bahadur Shashtri among other prominent figures. Kabir flew to Bhopal where the actress is currently shooting for Dhaakad and has already done a few sittings with the actress. The screenplay is ready, according to sources.
Kangana's upcoming roster includes Tejas, regarding which the actress had a meeting with Defence Minister Rajnath Singh last year in December.
(With IANS Inputs)
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