Keeping aside the drama of Rakhi Sawant and Abhinav Shukla, the contestant of Bigg Boss 14 who is getting eyeballs is Rahul Vaidya. Last night's episode was a treat for all fans of Rahul Vaidya and Nikki Tamboli. The two became friends right from the start. However, they had fights in between. After his fight with Jasmin Bhasin, it was Nikki Tamboli who consoled him. They were together in the red zone. Rahul had burst out in tears and she gave him comfort. Nikki Tamboli has mentioned often that Rahul Vaidya is her comfort in the house. But things went awry after Nikki Tamboli took up the topic of how Rahul Vaidya would send messages to her publicist.
Rahul Vaidya was mighty upset and rightly so. He said no one gave a damn if a man's character was assassinated on national TV. Rahul Vaidya stated that he need not explain himself. When Nikki Tamboli returned she apologized saying that she should not have raised that topic but she was too angry at that time. They did not talk for a few days. Later, she went over to the side of Rubina Dilaik and Abhinav Shukla. Rahul was out of the house for a few days and it affected their friendship.
Yesterday, Nikki Tamboli again spent a lot of time with Rahul Vaidya. She said that she considered him as her good friend. She even started crying. Now, Devoleena Bhattacharjee has confessed to having a crush on Rahul Vaidya. This is how Roshmi Banik reacted on this.
#NikkiTamboli is in love with #RahulVaidya after her crying 100% sure #DevoleenaBhattacharjee has crush on @rahulvaidya23 she said this to #RakhiSawant #ArshiKhan is insecure of Nikki's friendship with Rahul
Inn pyar ko kya naam de ?? ??#BiggBoss14 #BB14
Roshmi Banik (@roshmibanik_) January 28, 2021
Did anyone notice ???#Rubina told to #Abhinav to get #RahulVaidya out
Couple are so obsessed with @rahulvaidya23
Kya hota inka agar Rahul na hota ?? they both don't have any wajood without Rahul they can't even survive one episode without taking Rahul's name. #BiggBoss14
Roshmi Banik (@roshmibanik_) January 28, 2021
It is obvious that Rahul Vaidya can be quite a charmer. Yesterday, #TamboRa fans had a gala time as they got a lot of content.
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