The wedding reception of Aditya Narayan and Shweta Agarwal took place at a suburban venue last evening. The groom looked dapper in a black tuxedo, while Shweta Agarwal wore a red gown. She wore it with a lot of diamond jewellery and a wispy bun. Viral Bhayani and fan clubs have shared videos on their social media page. In one of the videos, we can see Aditya Narayan and Shweta Agarwal doing a waltz. She is the perfect shy bride. We can see Aditya softly kissing her on the forehead. Check them out...
However, the best part was the performance between Udit Narayan and his wife, Deepa. He sang the song, Mehendi Laga Ke Rakha from Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge. Aditya Narayan and the ladies performed on the number. It looked like sangeet dance practice happened for the wedding.
Govinda was one of the star guests at the wedding. His daughter, Narmada looked radiant in an emerald green lehenga. Fans got very excited after seeing Chi Chi at the wedding. They started clicking pictures and making videos. Aditya Narayan earlier said in an interview, "We're getting married on December 1. Because of Covid19, we can invite only the close family and friends, since Maharashtra does not allow more than 50 guests to gather at a wedding. But for now, it's going to be a wedding in a temple with just the immediate family present." We wish them all the happiness!
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