Bigg Boss 7 winner and model-turned-actress Gauahar Khan is set to tie the knot with fiance Zaid Darbar on December 25 during the festive day of Christmas. While her fans are more than happy, a certain section of audience are commenting on the age difference as there were speculations that he is 12 years younger to her. Now, Gauahar Khan has cleared the air herself as she told E Times, "Let me clear this, the age difference that has come out is wrong. 12 years is wrong and it is very easy for people to make it a news. But it is wrong. Yes, he is a few years younger to me but 12 is not the number. He is way more mature than I am and he has brought the sense of balance in my life. Judging and passing comments that the age gap can act as a barrier in a relationship is very easy, but for Zaid and I we have a similar kind of understanding and maturity. So, age never matters or hinders in our relationship."
On the other hand, Zaid said, "No, I feel we both are mature. We are equal in that terms. There are a few things which she makes me understand. We both balance each other."
In a recent conversation with Zaid's dad Ismail Darbar, when we asked about the couple tying the knot, he replied, "When the wedding will happen, you people will come to know about it (laughs). This is a question of two lives. One thing is for certain, we do not want to do anything in haste." Zaid also heaped praises on Gauahar Khan told E Times, "She has a very strong bond with my family and it's vice versa even they have. They love her and you have no idea how much they do. She is close to us but I feel the entire world loves her. My entire family, my dad, mom, sister, brother, everybody loves her. My younger sister adores her and she always says I want to be like Gauahar."
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