Popular Bollywood filmmaker Ali Abbas Zafar, who has delivered hits like Mere Brother Ki Dulhan, Gunday, Sultan, Tiger Zinda Hai and Bharat, recently shared BTS pics of Salman Khan and Anushka Sharma's 2016's blockbuster sports drama, where the megastar is entering the ring and prepping with Randeep Hooda. The director revealed that it was one of the most challenging sequences he captioned, "One of the most challenging sequence of #sultan , Fateh's Den." Talking about the film, it also featured Kumud Mishra and Anant Vidhaat Sharma in key roles and earned over Rs 300 crore at the box office.
Meanwhile, Salman Khan will be next seen in Prabhudheva's Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai, which also stars Disha Patani, Randeep Hooda and Jackie Shroff in key roles. Talking about a sequence, Randeep earlier told Mumbai Mirror, "There is this five-minute single shot for which my co-actor, who was on the heavy side, had to jump on my back. The stunt team insisted on several takes. When we were on the 18th one, my knee gave way," Randeep Hooda recalls that he tried hard but the pain was intense and later he was rushed to hospital. "Ironically, they finally settled for the first take."
While the actor avoids playing negative roles, he came on board because of Salman Khan's request as he said, "I respect Salman as a person and an actor. He has a certain way of working and since we have collaborated before, I am used to it and we had a lot of fun." He further added, "I chased Salman in Kick and coached him in Sultan. This time, I'm testing him to see how much he has learnt from me as his character hunts for mine."
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