Mohsin Khan and Shivangi Joshi starrer Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai's recent episodes have grabbed all the attention of the audience. The love triangle between Kartik, Sirat and Ranveer has left every surprised. As per the latest story, Kartik and Sirat have agreed to marry each other and the families have begun the preparations. However, Sirat tells Kartik about her past relationship with Ranveer. She tells him how much she loved Ranveer and they were about to get married but Ranveer did not turn up on their wedding day. While Sirat narrated her story, we saw Ranveer in the same city. He regrets not reaching at his own wedding and misses Sirat. It is shown that something in the past had stopped Ranveer from marrying Sirat but he does love her.
Fans are confused whether Sirat will marry Kartik or will she go back to Ranveer. During the Gangaur episode, we will see Kartik, Sirat coming in front of Ranveer. The Goenka family will also witness this meeting. However, it is Rhea who will be mesmerised as she sees Ranveer. She will fall in love with his handsome looks. Rhea will completely forget about Kartik and will now want to be Ranveer. She will soon get to know that Ranveer is the one who loved Sirat before and will stop him from meeting Sirat again. With this, we will soon see Kartik and Sirat getting closer.
Earlier, even Karan Kundrra had shared a statement where he said his character won't be delayed much. He said, "YRKKH is one of the longest running TV shows and has been on-air for 12 years now, but for me it's new because my journey just started. Also, I choose to be associated with a show only for a definite period and then move on to the next one. Playing a character for too long becomes boring for the actor and the audience both. I feel one should not exceed the life of character and the best part is that my track in the show won't be dragged." This means Kartik and Sirat's wedding is sure to happen.
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