Irrfan Khan's son Babil is quite active on social media. After the demise of the actor in April 2020, he has keeping him alive through his memories. Fans were so grateful to Babil Khan as he shared memories whether it was from his NSD days or small family anecdotes. Now, the young man has decided to avoid posting any memories of his dad. He made it official on his social media handle. In an Insta stories, he wrote about how some people said that he was using his dad's name to promote himself. He said this is why he stopped sharing anecdotes relating to his dad.
Babil Khan told a fan, "I loved sharing and then I get these Dms all the time saying that I'm using him to promote myself and that really hurts when in fact I was genuinely sharing memories to fill up the void that he left in his fans. So I'm so confused on what to do. I'm trying to figure out but it really hurts when random people message me saying I'm using his memory to gain clout, like I needed to do that, I'm already his son, I never needed to do that to gain anything. Now I'm perplexed and a little hurt tbh. So I'll share when I feel like it's the right time."
The young man will be seen in Qala with Tripti Dimri. The movie is being directed by Anvita Dutt. This is his debut. Amitabh Bachchan has sent his best wishes to the makers and this has left Babil Khan ecstatic. He also spoke about how some journalists at the Filmfare Awards asked him if he was high seeing his baggy eyes. We wonder why Babil Khan is having so face so much insensitivity? Surely, there is something very wrong with people's mindsets.
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