Priyanka Chopra who might be away in London is fully clued in to what is happening in India. As we know, the COVID-19 situation is scary right now. Maharashtra, the home of Bollywood leads with 25 per cent of the total affected population in the country. Priyanka Chopra has put up a note on social media requesting people to stay indoors. She told everyone to use the mask and make sure that they kept themselves safe. The indisciplined behaviour of the public in past two months has sparked off a new wave of infections, which are proving to be deadly. The new strain is affecting young people and children as well.
PRIYANKA (@priyankachopra) April 20, 2021
As we know, Priyanka Chopra comes from a family of doctors. Her father was a surgeon in the Army while her mother took worked in the same field. In fact, her mom has a clinic in Mumbai too. We can fully understand Priyanka Chopra taking a stand for the medical fraternity. Since a fortnight, doctors have put aside every personal commitment and sleep/rest to serve people. The situation in cities like Mumbai/Pune/Bhopal/Delhi/Lucknow/Surat is extremely scary.
The actress also jumped in support of The White Tiger director, Ramin Bahrani after he faced racist slurs. Priyanka Chopra said, "Who belongs here, and who doesn't? Isn't America a melting pot of all people from all backgrounds? This country was built on the back of immigrants in search of the American dream, a life of freedom, opportunity, and a safe place not only for themselves but for their families. Content by Hollywood is embraced by the world, but the world is not always embraced by Hollywood. Hollywood and pop culture, in general, have a massive responsibility in this fight for racial equality and representation in global entertainment."
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