A couple of weeks ago, the host of Indian Idol 12, Aditya Narayan tested positive for COVID-19. And later, contestants Pawandeep Rajan, Ashish Kulkarni also tested positive for the novel coronavirus. Pawandeep's fans missed him terribly on the show. They also missed his chemistry with Arunita Kanjilal on the stage of Indian Idol 12. However, we now have good news for all Arudeep fans. As per reports, Pawandeep Rajan would soon make a comeback on the show. Yes, you read that right and reportedly, he will perform with none other than, Arunita Kanjilal just like the old days. Not only Pawandeep but also Ashish Kulkarni will return on the show. The two of the singers have beat corona and are hale and hearty and ready to bounce back with their amazing performances.
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