Kareena Kapoor Khan got back home some days back after delivering her second son. The little one was born on January 21, 2021 at Mumbai's Breach Candy Hospital. The lady has moved into a new home in Khar. Today, she has posted her first picture after delivery of second child. The lady looks radiant in a blue shirt with a sunny hat. It is obvious that she has missed social media. Kareena Kapoor Khan captioned, "Oh hello there... Missed you all." Kareena Kapoor Khan was devoid of any makeup and looked like she had been out in the sun for a bit. We could see that she was like any new mommy out there. Check out the picture...
The actress announced last year that she is expecting her second child. She already has a four-year-old son, Taimur Ali Khan. The couple are expected to announce the name of the baby some time soon. It seems they have left the decision to the two matriarchs, Sharmila Tagore and Babita to think for a suitable name for the child. The actress had a busy pregnancy. She was shooting for commercials till the last week. Kareena Kapoor Khan completed work on Laal Singh Chadha and did a season of her podcast What Women Want that saw guests like CarryMinati and Varun Dhawan.
Kareena Kapoor Khan also moved into a new home some days back. She oversaw the interiors of the sprawling residence that takes up the whole floor of a building. Saif Ali Khan had thanked everyone for the good wishes that came for Kareena Kapoor Khan and his newborn child.
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