Shahid Kapoor celebrates his birthday today. The actor has been one of the most stylish guys we have in Bollywood. He made his debut with Ishq Vishk and was appreciated for his debut role itself. Since then, he has proved that he can make any character look amazing. Shahid Kapoor's Kabir Singh has been his biggest hit till date, and his fans just could not take their eyes off him in the theatres. Not just his hot looks, the handsome hunk has also got some killer dance moves, and infectious energy levels, which will surely make you fall flat for him. Behind this spectacular actor though, is a sweet and caring father. On his birthday, we thought of doing some Instagram stalking, which has left us in awe of this hot Bollywood dad. Shahid Kapoor is quite fond of his little muchkins and makes sure he spends a lot of time with them. Here are some of really cute pictures of him with daughter Misha and son Zain.
Awwwww... This father-son duo are just too cute to handle.
Misha is surely daddy's princess and this picture is proof. Shahid Kapoor is also undoubtedly one of the most handsome fathers on this planet.
Shahid Kapoor is the happiest when he is with his little girl, and we are crushing over his cute smile.
Pretty baby and handsome father! Isn't it a perfect combination?
We cannot get over this beautiful picture of Shahid and his angel.
Beware, girls! Here comes a stunningly handsome father of B-town.
BollywoodLife wishes Shahid Kapoor a very Happy Birthday!
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