Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra have been keeping the paparazzi busy since some time now. The two are Bollywood's latest new jodi (well rumoured jodi) and have caught everyone's fancy and attention. Kiara has been spotted entering and exiting Sidharth's home almost every day. Interestingly, while the two are being talked about, they haven't confirmed being a couple and being in a relationship as yet. But we hear that they are serious about each other and have already crossed the phase where two people are trying to "get to know each other better". However, they want to keep it hidden. Why are we not surprised! Bollywood-wallahs have a funny way of functioning na!
When we prodded into this latest gossiped affair, an industry insider told us, "This is not the first time Sidharth has been linked with an actress. However, things are serious this time. The two are very fond of each other." But the two don't think the time is right to come out in the open about their relationship, we hear. So when the paparazzi started tailing Kiara and her pictures at Sidharth's house started making news, the two hit the panic button. The source reveals a recent incident, when Sidharth lost his cool on the paparazzi. "Sidharth is not someone to lose his calm. But he was really upset to find the camera guys parked outside his house daily, just so they can click Kiara and if they get lucky, the couple together. He asked them to delete pictures and videos and leave at once. But they were just doing their work. There was a heated exchange before an angry Sid retreated back home," says the source.
Well, guess Sid and Kiara have given up bothering about what is being said and written about them. After all, any publicity is good publicity and the two have a film coming up as well. So why the hell not! On the work front, Sidharth Malhotra will soon be seen with South sensation Rashmika Mandanna in Mission Majnu, and with Kiara Advani in Shershaa. Kiara will also be seen in the sequel to Akshay Kumar's horror comedy, Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 with Kartik Aaryan.
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