Janhvi Kapoor made her debut with Dhadak opposite Ishaan Khatter and has been doing great in the industry now. However, many have been wondering when would her sister Khushi Kapoor enter or Bollywood or will she never do Bollywood. Well, it seems fans have got their answer now. Yes, Khushi Kapoor will soon make her Bollywood debut and Boney Kapoor has declared it. In an interview with Bombay Times, Boney Kapoor said, "Yes, Khushi is also keen on acting. You will hear an announcement soon." Boney Kapoor is a successful producer and is now an actor too. He has also revealed that he won't be the one who will launch his daughter Khushi Kapoor. Janhvi Kapoor and his son Arjun Kapoor were also launched by other producers and not by Boney Kapoor.
Boney Kapoor spoke about why he would not launch his daughter, Khushi. He said, "I have the resources, but I would rather have someone else launch her because I am her father and one tends to get indulgent. You can't afford to do that as a filmmaker and nor is it good for the actor. Anil (brother Anil Kapoor) was still an established actor, so it didn't affect him much, but I think I became an indulgent brother with Sanjay (Sanjay Kapoor) when he made his entry into films." Sanjay Kapoor was launched by Boney Kapoor with Prem in 1995 opposite Tabu.
"I think it may have gone against him. I am glad he is doing some amazing work in the OTT space now. He's playing interesting characters that he truly deserves to portray and can do justice to. Likewise, I would want Khushi to find her own footing. She will be launched by someone I respect and someone I feel secure and safe about, "Boney Kapoor said.
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