It looks like Nikki Tamboli has given Devoleena Bhattacharjee a taste of her own medicine. Nikki and Devoleena have been at loggerheads with each other ever since the latter has entered into the Bigg Boss 14 house as Eijaz Khan's proxy. And while Bigg Boss has given a chance to the contestants to earn their ration and luxury items that were confiscated, Nikki and Devoleena, who are on the opposite teams, will try to spoil each other's game. And in an attempt to do so, Nikki has taken a jibe at Devoleena for threatening to accuse Sidharth Shukla of MeToo allegations in Bigg Boss 13.
As all the essential items have been locked in the Bigg Boss 14 house, a couple of crew members of the show will try to lure the contestants to use the luxury items. The two teams will try to resists using those items since it will only spoil their own game. But it seems like Nikki has got no chill. In the latest promo of Bigg Boss 14, we can see Nikki charging inside the house the moment the show's crew members place some pastries on the table. When Devoleena objects to it, Nikki lashes out at the Saath Nibhana Saathiya actress saying, 'Tu MeToo ke lanchhan lagati hai, sharam kar.'
Here, Nikki was referring to an incident that has taken place between Devoleena and Sidharth Shukla. During a weekly task, contestants were asked to make clay ladders. Sidharth and Paras, who were playing in rival teams, destroyed each other's ladders, afterwhich, Sidharth went on a ladder destroying spree of Paras' team. It was then Devoleena, who was in Paras' team, threatened to level MeToo allegations against Sidharth if he touches her while destroying the ladders.
It remains to be seen Salman Khan will raise this particular issue on the Weekend Ka Vaar episode and take Nikki and Devoleena's class. Let's wait and watch.
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