Bigg Boss 14 contestant Eijaz Khan had to leave the show after being so close to the finale. The actor had to leave due to some prior commitments. Fans were shocked by his exit and want him back in the show. Bigg Boss 13 contestant Devoleena Bhattacharjee has entered the show as Eijaz Khan's proxy. Eijaz Khan has now reacted to Devoleena Bhattacharjee entering as his proxy. In an interview with Bombay Times, he said, "I haven't seen her game, but she seems sorted and says exactly what she wants to. The best part is that she has seen a few episodes of 'BB 14', and during the last task, both of us surprisingly chose Nikki Tamboli and gave the same reason without consulting each other."
Eijaz Khan also spoke about him having trust issues. He said, "I don't find it difficult to trust people, I trust everyone till they break my trust. I was arrogant enough to go inside the house without having watched any season of BB. I might have played better if I had done that, but what trained me for the show was life. I have been more self-critical than any of the other contestants. My journey inside the house has been more inward breaking myself every day, bringing the pieces together and building myself again... After a certain point, you can't break any more. All false perceptions about yourself get ripped apart and what remains is real. And, that is the best therapy anyone can ask for." Earlier, in an interview with with ETimes, Devoleena Bhattacharjee spoke about her game plans for Bigg Boss 14.
She said, "I never think about what I need to do, and I think that is my USP. When you let your real personality show, the audience likes that. Viewers can tell. So, I am not going with any baggage inside. And I won't let my bahu image affect my performance in the house! I have never prepared for it. If you over-prepare, it backfires. Also, dynamics change once you are inside the house. You might like someone from outside, but it might turn out to be completely different once you go inside the house. I will be the way I am. Just because a contestant is liked by people outside, doesn't mean that I will be nice to them. I could end up forging a bond with someone, who may not be popular outside, you never know!"
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