Disha Parmar also seems to be one of the contestants of Bigg Boss 14 given how frequently her name comes up on the show. The recent nasty incident was one where Nikki Tamboli told Rahul Vaidya that he does not respect his girlfriend, Disha Parmar. She said that Vikas Gupta had stated that Disha Parmar told him that she hated Nikki Tamboli. As we know, the relationship between Nikki Tamboli and Rahul Vaidya has been a roller-coaster one. The two started off as friends but later fights happened as they changed alliances. Now, Nikki Tamboli is friends with Rubina Dilaik, who is Rahul Vaidya's arch enemy on the show.
Fans feel that Nikki was wrong in taking Disha Parmar's name. Rahul went and told her not to drag her as she is not inside the show. The Woh Apna Sa! actress has been told to come on the show numerous times, but she has rejected the offer.
Nikki Tamboli has spoken about how Rahul Vaidya would send her messages outside the house. She has also taken the name of her publicist. This upset Rahul Vaidya greatly. She made fun of his undergarments saying that he does not wear underwear at night. This happened in a weekend ka vaar.
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