Well, it's a great news for all Ajay Devgn and Sidharth Malhotra fans as the two stars are collaborating for the first time in popular director Indra Kumar's upcoming slice-of-life venture titled Thank God. The film will be a comedy with a message. It will also Rakul Preet Singh in a key role. Before Thank God, Ajay and Indra Kumar worked together in films like Ishq, Masti and Total Dhamaal. On the other hand, Rakul Preet and Ajay were seen together in De De Pyaar De and are currently shooting together for MayDay. Produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Ashok Thakeria, Sunir Kheterpal, Deepak Mukut, Anand Pandit and Indra Kumar, it is co-produced by Yash Shah and will go on floors on January 21.
Reportedly, the film was supposed to start in 2020 but got delayed due to pandemic as the PinkVilla reported said, "The film couldn't kick off on time because of the pandemic and the team was still fine tuning the script. But by then, both the film's main male leads signed different films and are committed to them at this point. While Ajay has to wrap Maidan, has some portions of Bhuj: The Pride of India left to be shot, he will soon jump into shooting Kaithi remake and his next directorial venture Mayday simultaneously. After that, he has also given dates to shooting his first digital series, which is an adaptation of Luther. He is trying to schedule Indra Kumar's film post that. But there's still no clarity. Owing to Ajay's schedule, Sid also had to rework his whole plan. He will now begin work on the spy thriller with RSVP followed by the movie that he plans to do with Bhushan Kumar and Murad Khetani. Only post that, will he be able to work his dates out for the comedy. Rakul, in the meantime, will finish Attack, Indian 2 and move on to filming Mayday with Amitabh Bachchan and Ajay."
As per the reports, Ajay Devgn will play God in the film while Sidharth Malhotra and Rakul Preet portray husband and wife. So, are you excited for Thank God? Tweet and let us know @bollywood_life
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