Bigg Boss 14 is seeing its share of critics who do not spare contestants in every season. Most of them are former contestants. This year, Diandra Soares is in the news due to her sarcastic comments on some contestants like Rahul Vaidya and Jasmin Bhasin. While she has been rather scathing on the Dil Se Dil Tak actress, Diandra Soares does not like Rahul Vaidya either. We have seen her taking digs at him every now and then. In her latest tweet, she has called him a BJJ. In case you are wondering what it is, BJJ means Bhagoda+Jamoora+Jhandu. Check out her tweet...
Arre arre @RubiDilaik & BJJ have become frands kya now ?????
Diandra Soares (@diandrasoares13) January 6, 2021
Sarcasm people it is sarcasm ??
Diandra Soares (@diandrasoares13) January 6, 2021
She has been pretty much against Rahul Vaidya on the show. Diandra Soares is very vocal in her support for Rubina Dilaik and feels that Rahul is a misogynist.
Yassss absolutely right @RubiDilaik
What's inside of you comes out in the one saying it #bhagodajhamura
And clearly he can't deal with a strong opinionated woman. And that's the basic problem!!!!! #misogyny on display.
Diandra Soares (@diandrasoares13) January 3, 2021
While Jasmin Bhasin and Rahul Vaidya are going good, Rubina Dilaik also has a huge fan base. She is one of the most popular TV actresses with shows like Chhoti Bahu and Shakti to her credit. Diandra Soares is best remembered for her romance with Gautam Gulati in season 8. This week, Abhinav Shukla, Aly Goni, Jasmin Bhasin and Rubina Dilaik are nominated. Let us see what happens...
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