After the success of Malang, Disha Patani is reuniting with Mohit Suri for Ek Villain 2 and while we are super kicked about it, the Baaghi 2 actress shared her excitement as she said, "Starting the new year on the sets is the best way to begin the year for me. I am super excited to start the shoot of Ek Villan 2 soon and to reunite with Mohit sir. After Malang, I am looking forward to working with him again and start a new journey."
Talking to Mumbai Mirror, director Mohit Suri said, "We want to take the action a notch higher and John has been designing and choreographing these scenes with me and my team of assistants." Reportedly, the film will have some high-octane car chase sequences and hand-to-hand combats. "The difference between a hero and a villain is that you rarely learn about the latter's love story. This time you will, so, he's more of an anti-hero than a villain per se. We have to plan short schedules with fewer crew. The time spent on set will be far lesser than the time spent behind the scenes. We will be using a lot more technology too. Luckily for me, I am used to making films in a limited time." added the filmmaker.
Speaking about Malang, Disha had earlier told BollywoodLife, "I kind of liked the script. I didn't see initially what will happen till the end, but I liked the idea of the script. I liked my part very much, and that was the reason I did it, not because of anything else. But, luckily, I didn't die. So it was good. I think if you're comparing me to Shah Rukh Khan then I'm more than happy (on filmmakers probably not thinking any longer that she has to die for the film to work). I agree this stereotyping exists, but it's everywhere, not just in Bollywood. It's in business, other fields, just life in general. Everyone is kind of superstitious somewhere or another. I think Malang has helped me break the stereotype, so I hope it works for me that I kind of survived (laughs)."
So, are you excited for Ek Villain 2? Tweet and let us know @bollywood_life.
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