Prabhas and Saif Ali Khan starrer Adipurush is one of the highly-anticipated pan-India ventures in recent times. While we are excited for the first look of both the stars, the latest reports suggest that makers will enhance Saif's height to showcase his towering personality. As per the Mid-Day report, a source said, "In Adipurush, Lankesh another name for Ravana will be seen as a towering personality. Saif's height will be enhanced to eight or nine feet, using special effects, to depict his larger-than-life persona. The actor will sport a thick moustache, long hair and a muscular build."
Dialogue and lyrics writer Manoj Muntashir, recently opened up on Saif Ali Khan getting slammed for humanising Ravana and said, "Saif was recently trolled for his remarks about [humanising] Lankesh, but there is nothing offensive in the film. Saif was misunderstood. Ravana is perceived as an all-black figure, but in our film, he will be seen in all his shades. He will be shown as a flamboyant king, who was also cruel and sadistic."
Saif earlier issued an apology for his statement and said, "I've been made aware that one of my statements during an interview has caused a controversy and hurt people's sentiments. This was never my intention or meant that way. I would like to sincerely apologise to everybody and withdraw my statement. Lord Ram has always been the symbol of righteousness and heroism for me. Adipurush is about celebrating the victory of good over evil and the entire team is working together to present the epic without any distortions." He told Mumbai Mirror, "It's interesting to play a demon king, less strictures in that. But we will make him humane, up the entertainment quotient, justify his abduction of Sita and the war with Ram as revenge for what was done to his sister Surpanakha by Lakshman, who cut off his nose."
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