Actress Vrushika Mehta, who garnered popularity with D3 - Dil Dosti Dance, recently joined the cast of Shivangi Joshi and Mohsin Khan starrer Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. The actress is playing the character of Dr Riddhima and is expected to add a new twist and angle to the story. While talking to Mumbai Mirror, the actress spoke spilled the beans on her character and show and said, " Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai has been one of the most steady and long-running shows on television so far, and it continues to win the hearts of the audience which is the best part. It feels great to join the cast of the show and I am excited for people to watch what my character has to offer."
Describing her role, she asserted, "I play the role of Dr Riddhima, a child psychologist, and an independent, headstrong woman who is all set to bring a new angle into the show. The role is what excited me the most as this is something which I have never gotten a chance to portray on screen before and it was definitely one which I wanted to give a shot." When asked about sharing screen space with lead stars Mohsin Khan and Shivangi Joshi, Vrushika replied, "I have shot a couple of scenes with Mohsin and Shivangi and it was great fun. They are both very hardworking and dedicated actors, who have been very supportive of me since Day 1. Interaction with the other cast has also been great, including Aarambh who plays Kairav, with whom I have already developed a nice bond."
When questioned feeling pressure to built her character in the show, she answered, "My character is a new entry into the show and one which is bringing in a whole new angle to it. Hence, my role is going to be a very different one. I don't think that building up a connection with them will be difficult as my character is a totally new addition to the storyline. I feel that the pressure is there irrespective of what the role is, because at the end of the day how you portray the role and how the audiences are perceiving it is what matters the most."
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