The prestigious Oscar Awards was held today and we saw veteran actor Anthony Hopkins bagging his second Best Actor trophy for his performance in The Father. While his fans cheered for his victory, we saw fans on Twitter expressing their shock for not giving this honour to late Chadwick Boseman for his impeccable act in Ma Rainey's Black Bottom, where he portrayed the character of an ambitious trumpet player. The actor known for his titular character in Black Panther passed away in 2020 after his 4-year long battle with colon cancer. Here are some of the tweets of fans...
Joaquin Phoenix coming out to award the late Chadwick Boseman with the Best Actor trophy.
"Acting is weird lol. Anthony Hopkins you win I guess. Goodnight!"#Oscars
Marshall Kistner (@mackistner) April 26, 2021
Everyone expecting Chadwick Boseman to win
Joaquin Phoenix : "and the Oscar goes to Anthony Hopkins for The Father"
Shivam Chatak (@ShivamChatak) April 26, 2021
Joaquin Phoenix coming out to award the late Chadwick Boseman with the Best Actor trophy.
"Acting is weird lol. Anthony Hopkins you win I guess. Goodnight!"#Oscars
Marshall Kistner (@mackistner) April 26, 2021
The #Oscars rearrangement of the format was reckless. Those of us who rooted for Chadwick Boseman are absolutely crushed. Nomadland was robbed of a proper celebration. Anthony Hopkins gave THE PERFORMANCE OF A LIFETIME & his win is tainted by that painfully uncomfortable ending
Jane Blatz (@Jane_Blatz) April 26, 2021
Oscars: *rearranges order of categories presumably to leave Chadwick Boseman's Oscar win for last*
Also Oscars: *gives Oscar to Anthony Hopkins*
Songbird Swordlily | Black Lives Matter (@skateordie002) April 26, 2021
not letting anthony hopkins, an autistic and elderly man do his winning speech from his home while also using chadwick boseman's memory for profit and anticipation might be one of the worst ways to end an award show, what a mess #Oscars
GABRI (@amazingabri) April 26, 2021
A dying man gives the performance of a lifetime... The last performance of his lifetime... Leaves it all up there... and you don't give him the trophy?! ? #Oscars #ChadwickBoseman
Cyrus McQueen (@CyrusMMcQueen) April 26, 2021
Here's My Bigger Issues About #ChadwickBoseman Losing: They Used Him. They Used His Image. They Used Him To Boost Viewership. They Switched The Categories Around. They Had Joaquin Phoenix Walking out to Soul Music. They Used CB. That's the bigger issues and Fuck Them For It.
Charles Fernandez #StanJosephineLangford (@movie_charles) April 26, 2021
Anthony Hopkins beats late Christopher Plummer to become the oldest actor ever to win an Oscar Award. Apart from, Chadwick Bosman, stars like Riz Ahmed, Gary Oldman and Steven Yeun were nominated in the category of Best Actor in a leading role.
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