Popular Bollywood's singer Neha Kakkar who is seen judging the Indian Idol season 12 show had an 'oops' moment a few years back. Yes, in the previous season, the singer while dancing with host Aditya Narayan fell on the stage. Neha's throwback video is going viral all over social media and people are going gaga over it. In this video, Neha can be seen slipping down from Aditya's hand as she fell on the stage.
In the video, Neha told Aditya, "Chalo, Adi, aaj tumhara aur mera dance ho jaaye". Neha goes up to the stage and they both start grooving to 'Dilbar' song. Neha stuns everyone with her killer dance moves while Aditya tries to copy her style but in a hilarious way. Seeing Aditya's funny dance judges Vishal Dadlani and Anu Malik cannot keep calm and start laughing. Neha and Aditya try to do a step together but the latter loses his grip and Neha falls.
Take a look at the video from Indian Idol 11:
.@VishalDadlani and @iAmNehaKakkar set the stage on fire! Watch #IndianIdol #DeshKiAwaaz, this weekend at 8 PM #IndianIdol11 @The_AnuMalik pic.twitter.com/3gWt6hLbiX
sonytv (@SonyTV) November 8, 2019
On the personal front, Neha got married to singer Rohanpreet Singh while Aditya tied the knot with his girlfriend Shweta Agarwal. In Indian Idol season 11, there were rumors that Neha and Aditya would tie the knot. But within no time, it was revealed that Neha and Aditya's romance was a publicity gimmick to boost ratings.
Talking about Indian Idol 12, recently Oscar-winning music composer AR Rahman graced the show.
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