Salman Khan's Eid 2021 release, Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai will see a pay-per-view release in the digital space along with its theatrical release on May 13. The film is scheduled to open theatrically across all Indian states where theatres are operational as per COVID-19 protocols. It will also release in the Middle East, North America, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Europe. And while Salman Khan's Radhe will be the first Bollywood film to release theatrically as also in the digital space since lockdown last year, let's take a look at a five Hollywood movies that were simultaneously released in theatres and OTT platforms before it.
Godzilla vs Kong
Godzilla vs Kong was released on March 31 simultaneously in theatres and OTT platforms.
Tom & Jerry
Tom & Jerry saw its theatrical release on February 26. It also opened to streaming on the same date.
Judas and the Black Messiah
Judas and the Black Messiah opened in theatres along with streaming on February 12.
The Little Things
The Little Things was made available for streaming on January 29, the same day it was released in theatres.
The White Tiger
The White Tiger was released in limited theatres in the US on January 13, just a week prior to its streaming release date, January 22.
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