Aadar Jain was recently seen in Hello Charlie, where he bonded with a gorilla (not a real one, silly) on screen. On the personal front, Aadar Jain is quite close to his cousin sister, Kareena Kapoor Khan's son, Taimur Ali Khan. We have seen so many of his videos with Tim. Now, in an exclusive interview with BollywoodLife, the actor has spoken about his bond with Kareena Kapoor Khan's newborn baby boy, Taimur's younger brother. He has revealed that he hasn't been able to meet the baby due to safety concerns, but has seen his picture. Aadar also revealed that the little munchkin is extremely adorable and that he cannot wait to see him. Other than that, he also shared whether he feels the pressure to perform as he belongs to Bollywood's oldest film family. Watch his complete interview above
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