Pranitha Subhash is all set to enter Bollywood and make her mark. She will be seen opposite Ajay Devgn in Bhuj: The Pride of India and in Hungama 2 with Paresh Rawal, Shilpa Shetty and Meezan Jaffery. The actress has decided to do more Hindi projects for now before she is able to strike a balance between Hindi and South cinema. In her exclusive chat with BollywoodLife, the actress played a fun Bollywood quiz, picking actors to reprise the roles of some of the most iconic villains Hindi movies has seen. From Mogambo and Gabbar Singh to Langda Tyagi and more, Pranitha's choices will get you thinking about the amazing possibilities of bringing the cult villains back to life. Well, she also revealed something very interesting about Ranveer Singh and her wish to play a villian like Urvashi Dholakia's Komolika on screen. Watch the video for more.
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