Filmmaker Karan Johar has recently confirmed that actor Sanjay Kapoor and Maheep Kapoor's daughter Shanaya Kapoor will be launched under the Dharma banner. He took to his social media - Instagram and shared Shanaya's picture. Karan captioned the pictures as, 'Welcome to the #DCASquad, @shanayakapoor02! It's going to be an unforgettable and exciting journey that begins with your first film with @DharmaMovies, this July.'
Take a look at the post...
Well, Karan has always been the one who has launched several star kids in the industry. Karan shared yet another video wherein Shanaya looks gorgeous in different outfits as she poses for the shutterbugs. He captioned the video post as, 'Another beautiful addition to our growing @dcatalent family! Welcome to the #DCASquad, @shanayakapoor02. Her enthusiasm, perseverance, and diligence are so amazing to see. Join us in showering your love & blessings as she begins her first film with @DharmaMovies, this July! Watch this space for film details!!!'
Shanaya commented on the video post with few heart emojis. She even expressed her happiness of making a debut with Dharma and said, "Woke up today with the most grateful heart! Here's to a great journey ahead with the @dcatalent family. Excited to kickstart my FIRST FILM (ahhh!!) this July by @dharmamovies , can't wait for you all to see what we're up to! Stay tuned! #DCASquad."
Well, Shanaya's mother Maheep also shared the same video on her social media and wrote, "With her unabashed enthusiasm, resilience & sparkle - My girl is all set to take over your screens soon. Give her your love & blessings as she is ready to start the journey of her FIRST FILM with @Dharmamovies this July. Watch out for the announcement of the film!"
Shanaya's best friend and Shah Rukh Khan's daughter commented on the post and showered her love. She commented saying, 'yayy' with heart emoji.
For the uninitiated, before making her debut Shanaya worked as the assistant director on her cousin actress Janhvi Kapoor's movie 'Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl'. Shanaya had earlier appeared in the Netflix series Fabulous Lives Of Bollywood Wives.
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