The Kapil Sharma Show's Sugandha Mishra had left us surprised with her engagement news with Sanket Bhosale. She will tie the knot with Sanket Bhosale on April 26 in Ludhiana. In an interview with ETimes, Sugandha Mishra revealed details of her wedding and said that she and Sanket will be colour coordinated for most of the wedding ceremonies. She spoke about her wedding attire and said that she always dreamt of wearing a red lehenga for her D-day, but red is out of fashion and people prefer pastel shades. Hence, she has opted for an off-white lehenga.
She shared that one of her friends who is a designer is helping her with it. They take a lot of effort in trials and then returning the outfit if they do not like it. She also shared that her lehenga is ready but choli is yet to be made. However, because of COVID-19, Sugandha has been doing online shopping and coordinating with people virtually. She said that she has been preparing for her wedding outfit since December as she is very particular about the outfit and always wanted a 10kgs lehenga. She said that she can marry online but needs a 10kg lehenga. Sugandha Mishra also shared that she is personally looking into Sanket's wedding trousseau and is constantly in touch with the designers.
She said that is looking at which pastel shade will go with her lehenga. She also revealed that they have a WhatsApp group and they have long discussions over there. Sugandha's family has been waiting for her and she is in Mumbai since a long time. She will be leaving for her hometown in a day or two. Sugandha shared that she had made a song for her sangeet ceremony but COVID-19 has spoilt everything. She says that she wanted to sing a duet for her wedding and even was about to release that song.
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