One of the most enduring marriages in Bollywood is the one between Kajol and Ajay Devgn. The couple might not be high on PDA but do know how to express in a quirky manner. Today, they have completed 22 years of marriage. Kajol took to social media to wish him with a throwback picture. Her caption said, "And you sir, you're very attractive. Therefore, I will stare at you!". The picture is from one of their early movies together. She is in an orange chiffon dress while he is in printed shirt and white trousers. But we are bowled over with how he has wished his better half. The actor posted a picture of a wine bottle with a label, 'Only Edition'. It was said that it is Bottled in 1999. It was the year when they decided to marry.
The two had met on the sets of Hulchul in 1995. At that time, they were seeing other people. Kajol did not like him much as he was an introverted person. However, they became friends as they did more scenes together. She would seek relationship advice from him. After splitting with those partners, chance brought them together for one more movie. This time they felt the spark in one another. Slowly, love blossomed and they began dating. Both of them are private people and managed to keep everything under wraps.
In 1998, she suffered an accident on the sets of Kuch Kuch Hota Hai and it led to short-term amnesia. It seems her health improved as she spoke to Ajay Devgn on the phone. In February 1999, they married in the terrace of his home. Kajal and Ajay Devgn got hitched with close friends and families around. There was no extravagance whatsoever. Later, Ajay Devgn said in an interview, "We became friends, and then realised we are seeing each other. One day, we decided to get married. I didn't want to make a big issue out of my marriage. So, I came out of my bedroom, got married on my terrace, went back to my bedroom."
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