Priyanka Chopra's The White Tiger released recently on OTT and is reportedly doing well as far as the number of people watching it worldwide are concermed. Her bubby Nick Jonas feels she might win an Oscar. On Variety's Awards Circuit podcast via Just Jared, Priyanka revealed, "He was like, 'You may be the first Jonas to win an Oscar.'"
Priyanka also praised Nick and said, "He just doesn't do anything badly. It's insane and it drives me crazy. It's like everything you do is great."
In a past interview to The Sunday Times, Priyanka opened up about the age gap between Nick and her. She said, "Nick took to India like a fish to water. But just like a normal couple, you have to understand each other's habits and what each other likes. So it's more of an adventure than trying to figure out hurdles. None of it was really that hard."
She added, "It's so comforting to find a person who is in your corner. Whatever I may be in my professional life or how the world perceives me, I'm just a girl trying to live her life in the best way possible, and I'm so grateful to have a partner in doing that." The actress also said that quarantine period bought them closer as she said, "Quarantine gave us the ability to spend a lot of time together, which I'm really blessed by. Because with both of our careers it's hard to find that kind of time."
Summing up her two decades in the entertainment industry Priyanka Chopra had previously posted, "Being in Indian movies was like entering a magical world.. I went in blind, with no idea what to expect and no formal training. It's been a rollercoaster ride of challenges and milestones with so much I've learned since and so many incredible people I met along the way."
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