Lockdown Ki Love Story actor Mohit Malik has tested negative for Coronavirus. He had tested positive earlier. His wife, Additie Shirwaikar Malik, who is expecting their first child, didn't get the disease.
Mohit spoke about his experience to Bombay Times. He said that he felt 'guilty' about going on a birthday trip to Alibaug. "I had been working on my show and taking extra precautions. Also, my father-in-law was unwell and we were constantly going to the hospital during the entire lockdown period and never got the virus, inspite of being in a vulnerable zone. So, I was feeling extremely guilty that we were not cautious enough and decided to go for this trip on my birthday. My wife had planned this holiday and three of my friends had joined us. It was fun and all this time, I was thinking how Additie was next to me the whole time and we even shared food with each other; but it is only God's blessings that Additie did not get infected. Throughout the last two weeks, I was feeling guilty that I should not have taken this trip, specially when my wife is pregnant. But, hopefully, I am out of it and everything has ended well," stated Mohit.
He also spoke about he spent time in isolation. Mohit said, "While I stayed in my bedroom on one side for the last two weeks, my wife stayed in the guest room on the other side. This was easier because we recently moved to a newer home in Goregaon. The last two weeks have been traumatic because the virus forces you to distance yourself from everyone and you long the human touch. On regular days, you meet your loved ones and hug them; and here you are sick and not meeting your loved ones for days together, which becomes even more difficult to cope with the illness. I watched a lot of television, read many books and the last few days before I tested negative, I got bored and wanted this to end soon. I also realized that we all depend a lot on external factors to give us happiness. The pandemic has made us realise how meeting friends, going on a holiday or the human touch is a luxury and important in our lives."
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