Ibrahim Ali Khan had entered the world of entertainment as a model. The young lad who is a replica of his actor father, Saif Ali Khan is making a lot of noise for his striking resemblance and his good looks. Recently, his aunt, Saif, and Soha's sister Saba Ali Khan took to her social media handle and heaped praises on Ibrahim Ali Khan. Saba shared some uber gorgeous pictures of Ibrahim in ethnic wear that are going viral as you read this. The monochromatic pictures look stunning. She has a message with each picture. In the first post that Saba Ali Khan shared, she wrote, "A STAR IS BORN. You make me proud! The man you've become speaks volumes of WHO U truly R. Stay safe. Love you," Check it out here:
Sharing another one, the jewelry designer by profession said, "STANDING TALL. Ive seen the baby,the young boy,the youthful teen and now mahshallah a grown man. I'm an aunt bursting with pride. You're a success story who's made it on his own. Wishing you life's very best. Love you." In yet another post, she wrote, "STYLE ICON." Check out her two posts below:
Meanwhile, there has been a lot of speculations on Ibrahim Ali Khan's debut. Sara Ali Khan had opened up on the same, in an interview with ETimes. The Simmba actress had said, "I think that films are a beautiful business and he would be lucky to enter this world. And if he needs advice in terms of acting or anything like that he has many people in the family also to turn to there are much bigger actors and stars and you know, much more experienced than I am."
Even his father, Saif had opened up on the same and had compared his impending debut to that of Hrithik Roshan's Kaho Naa Pyar Hai. "Like Hrithik Roshan, he should just explode on the screen. There will be comparisons with me, he can't avoid that, but he's still growing, developing his own personality, so it's best to be seen less for now," he had said to Mumbai Mirror.
What do you have to say about Ibrahim Ali Khan's pictures? Let us know by tweeting @bollywood_life.
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