Bigg Boss 14 contestants Aly Goni and Vikas Gupta's relationship has not been good. They were friends earlier while they did Khatron Ke Khiladi. But as they met in Bigg Boss 14, we saw a completely different side. Aly Goni accused Vikas Gupta of taking away opportunities from others and giving them away to his own friends and supporters. He also said that Vikas Gupta spread bad rumours about him and Jasmin. However, Vikas Gupta has denied all these allegations and called Aly Goni and Jasmin Bhasin fake. Now, Aly Goni's sister Ilham Goni spoke about Vikas Gupta and Aly Goni's fight. In an interview with ETimes, she spoke about the same.
She said, "He had told us about Vikas doing things against him and I remember after the shoot of 'Khatron Ke Khiladi' when Aly was back he was upset with Vikas but I didn't ask much. So whatever he said, we were aware of it." Ilam has been supporting Aly on social media and was shocked after Bigg Boss nominated Aly, Jasmin, Rubina and Abhinav for discussing nominations and whom they want to see in finale. Ilam feels that this is unfair. She shared, "We have seen challengers also discussing the same. Manu Punjabi and even others were seen talking about going ahead in the show and targeting the old contestants. These four did the same. Nominating the four strongest contestants on this basis is not right."
"Also Aly's nomination mostly has been as a punishment or based on something else. He is very strong and if we go by the actual rules of nominations, we all know it's not possible to get him evicted easily as people are loving him, "she added. Recently, there have also been reports of Vikas Gupta helping his friend, Rashami Desai get Naagin 4. A source close to ETimes also revealed how he was responsible for Jasmin Bhasin's exit from the show. The source added, "Since Vikas helped Rashami, she has grown fond of him and supporting him in 'Bigg Boss 14'." However, Rashami Desai has dismissed these rumours and said that Vikas has nothing to do with her doing Naagin 4.
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