It was veteran actress Sharmila Tagore's birthday yesterday and the Amar Prem actress turned gorgeous 76. Family and friends of the actress from and out of the entertainment world poured in wishes for her. Sara Ali Khan, granddaughter of Sharmila Tagore took to her social media handle and posted pictures with her 'Badi Amman' and penned the sweetest wish for her. "Happy happy Birthday Badi Amman. Thank you for being my pillar of support, guiding force and inspiration. I love you lots," Sar wrote in the caption. In the post, we can see Sara in peachy ethnic wear while Sharmila Tagore is seen in a pink and red ensemble. They happily posed for the camera alongside the balloons. Have a dekko at Sara Ali Khan's post below:
Kareena Kapoor Khan had posted a throwback picture of her mother-in-law and wished her saying, "To one of the most coolest and strongest women I know... happy birthday my beautiful mother-in-law." Meanwhile, talking about Sara Ali Khan, the actress is gearing up for her next release which is coolie No. 1 alongside Varun Dhawan. The film is releasing on the OTT platform on Christmas eve.
In an interview with IANS, Sara opened up on working with different directors and exploring herself saying, "When I started off, my only dream and desire was to be able to do all kinds of genres of films with all kinds of directors. So, I truly consider myself extremely lucky that I have been given this opportunity because I am of course a die-hard David sir fan. But the truth is, not one particular genre of cinema I like."
On comparisons with Karisma Kapoor, Sara said, "She is an iconic star. She redefines the nineties for most audiences. So I don't think I have even attempted to step into her shoes. Of course, it is a remake and comparisons are inevitable. Up until now, I was so much more focused on bringing something new to the table. Everything is kind of tweaked to make it more today."
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