Just yesterday, we reported that Salman Khan has already begun shooting for Mahesh Manjrekar's next directorial film, Antim: the Final Truth. The movie is a gangster-drama and also stars Aayush Sharma and Nikitin Dheer in key roles. The film went on the floors last month but Salman Khan had joined the team only this Sunday, that is, 6th December 2020. From the deets shared in a report in Mumbai Mirror, Salman Khan was said to play a Sikh cop who would don a turban as well and now, we have his glimpse. Aayush Sharma took to his social media handle and shared Salman's first look and boy, the actor looks sooo dashing.
It's a video wherein we see Salman Khan all dressed up as his character walking towards the sets. The Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai actor is seen wearing grey pants, navy blue shirt, a turban and dark sunglasses. Though we cannot see his eyes, we feel the intensity of his character just by his walk. This is going to be amazing. "Antim Begins .. #BhaisAntimFirstLook #AntimTheFinalTruth @beingsalmankhan," Aayush Sharma captioned the video post. In case you missed it, check it out below:
Talking about Antim, Salman will continue shooting throughout December except for the last week, which is his mandatory time holiday every year. Salman and Aayush will be shooting for some confrontation scenes in their Mumbai schedule. "In this schedule, Salman and Aayush will be filming several confrontation scenes. While the cop is a serious guy, there is an underlying tone of dark humour to the character that is Mahesh Manjrekar's trademark," a source close to the development of the film had told Mumbai Mirror. On the work front, Salman currently has Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai for release next year on Eid. He also has Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali in the pipeline alongside Tiger 3, a cameo in Pathan to name a few.
How did you like Salman Khan's look in Antim: The Final Truth? Let us know by tweeting @bollywood_life.
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