Fardeen Khan recently stunned everyone when he was spotted outside Mukesh Chhabra's office in Mumbai. He looked fitter than before and got back into shape after shedding almost 18 kilos of weight. In 2016, Fardeen was trolled on social media after pictures in which his weight gain was visible, had gone viral. He had taken to social media to give it back to the haters in a long post. And now the No Entry actor has opened up about how he dealt with trolls who body-shamed him after he gained weight.
"In our profession, a lot of importance is given to how you look. You are expected to look your best at all times. When I was trolled for my weight, I wasn't actively part of the film industry. I had been away for years, so I was surprised at the degree and intensity of the reactions. That was my introduction to being trolled on social media, the new age that we live in," Fardeen told TOI in an interview adding that he is ready to make a comeback and has no qualms to audition for roles. He was last seen on-screen in Dulha Mil Gaya, which released in 2010.
He further added, "It doesn't feel good to be in that situation, but you have to look at it for what it is. You have to find positivity within yourself. If you constantly seek validation from other people on what they think about you, you need to rethink that. Also, you need to be honest with yourself. I was extremely out of shape then. I found humour in it to whatever extent I could and moved on. I've never looked outwards for reassurances and validation. I know my truth and where I stand. I was well equipped to handle the criticism because of my personal attitude. When I posted my response, I saw people identifying with that as well."
Last year, Fardeen has slammed the body shaming culture and had said that people need to get over such practice.
"I have been bashed unnecessarily. I think we need to get over these damn things. I really don't care about it. I am what I am and I can see myself in the mirror. Whatever is deserved is deserved and what's not is not. I just laugh it all off. I don't read much about myself these days," he had said.
Fardeen is now gearing up for his comeback on the big screen. It remains to be seen if the audience will accept him with open arms.
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