Bigg Boss 14 recently saw Kavita Kaushik storm out of the house, which saw a series of tweets from ex-contestants of the show, divided on whether they should support Kavita or Rubina Dilaik, who's being touted as the prime reasons behind her walk out. Kamya Panjabi tweeted: "Never seen a season n contestants like these @AlyGoni got aggressive n voilent nobody stopped him,he cud hav been out of the hou there n then! @Iamkavitak walking out of the house, nobody stopped her! Looks like yahi chahiye sabko ki competition kamm ho #BB14 @ColorsTV #DirtyGame."
Kamya further wrote: "All the words used in this fight. Abhinav u could have stopped this! Sab tamasha dekh rahe the waah waah waah #BB14 @ColorsTV Why are u so angry #Rubina ? Why snap at #Rahul now? Why use words like aukaat n all.. u loosing it girl! Grip it grip it..!!! #BB14 @ColorsTV. Well i like rubina n kavita both! So far rubina n abhinav unnecessarily poking kavita! Also when u urself talk abt ur personal life on national tv, dont expect others to not enter into it! Its a game, this will happen! #BB14 @ColorsTV," while also tweeting her support for Ali Goni, by commenting, "You did well Aly Goni."
Never seen a season n contestants like these @AlyGoni got aggressive n voilent nobody stopped him,he cud hav been out of the hou there n then! @Iamkavitak walking out of the house, nobody stopped her! Looks like yahi chahiye sabko ki competition kamm ho #BB14 @ColorsTV #DirtyGame
Kamya Shalabh Dang (@iamkamyapunjabi) December 2, 2020
All the words used in this fight ?????? Abhinav u could have stopped this! Sab tamasha dekh rahe the waah waah waah #BB14 @ColorsTV
Kamya Shalabh Dang (@iamkamyapunjabi) December 2, 2020
Why are u so angry #Rubina ? Why snap at #Rahul now? Why use words like aukaat n all.. u loosing it girl! Grip it grip it..!!! #BB14 @ColorsTV
Kamya Shalabh Dang (@iamkamyapunjabi) December 2, 2020
Well i like rubina n kavita both! So far rubina n abhinav unnecessarily poking kavita! Also when u urself talk abt ur personal life on national tv, dont expect others to not enter into it! Its a game, this will happen! #BB14 @ColorsTV
Kamya Shalabh Dang (@iamkamyapunjabi) December 2, 2020
U did well @AlyGoni #BB14 @ColorsTV
Kamya Shalabh Dang (@iamkamyapunjabi) December 2, 2020
However, Shardul Pandit, who entered BB14 as a wild card along with Kavita, tweeted: "Ye Kaunsa ghar hai jiske darwaze sab par band hai aur sab Mar rahehai waha jane ko. Koi nahi. Aap band hi Rakho ghar ka is darwaza . Samajh sako to samjho #BigBoss14. This tweet might irk people but tell me if it's true or not? Kya Show bada ya contestant? Let's see what decide. #kavitakaushik #BigBoss14 #BB14 #BigBoss2020. This is the first season where on a show contestant has been saying I don't need it. To fir dekh lo."
Ye Kaunsa ghar hai jiske darwaze sab par band hai aur sab Mar rahehai waha jane ko. Koi nahi. Aap band hi Rakho ghar ka is darwaza . Samajh sako to samjho #BigBoss14 @ColorsTV @BiggBoss @ColorsTV
Shardul Pandit (@shardulpandit11) December 2, 2020
This tweet might irk people but tell me if it's true or not? Kya Show bada ya contestant? Let's see what @BiggBoss @ColorsTV @EndemolShineIND decide. #kavitakaushik #BigBoss14 #BB14 #BigBoss2020
Shardul Pandit (@shardulpandit11) December 2, 2020
This is the first season where on a show contestant has been saying I don't need it. To fir dekh lo @BiggBoss @ColorsTV #BigBoss
Shardul Pandit (@shardulpandit11) December 2, 2020
Devoleena Bhattacharjee also came down heavily on Kavita Kaushik, completely supporting Rubina and Abhinav. She wrote:, "Something is really wrong with #kavita.. #rubina shared personal thing as per the task.. What was she doing then?? Wasn't it personal whatever she shared..Nobody is talking about that task but #kavita.. #BB14 ."
Something is really wrong with #kavita.. #rubina shared personal thing as per the task.. What was she doing then?? Wasn't it personal whatever she shared..Nobody is talking about that task but #kavita.. #BB14
Devoleena Bhattacharjee (@Devoleena_23) December 2, 2020
So, who do you feel was right? Tweet and let us
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