Shaheer Sheikh gave all his fans a huge surprise today as he revealed about his wedding with Ruchikaa Kapoor. Shaheer Sheikh tied the knot with Ruchikaa Kapoor a few days back. They had a court marriage due to the pandemic and as per reports in Bombay Times, they plan to have a traditional wedding in June 2021. Shaheer and Ruchikaa flew to Jammu which is the Mahabharat actor's hometown after their court marriage. They had a small ceremony at Shaheer house in Jammu and another informal ceremony at Ruchikaa's residence in Mumbai. Shaheer Sheikh's friend and Mahabharat co-star Rohit Bhardwaj has reacted to Shaheer's hush-hush wedding with Ruchikaa Kapoor. He congratulated Shaheer for his new life. In a conversation with BollywoodLife, he said, "Wow I'm thrilled finally he got married and wish him success for entering into a new phase of his life."
Talking about his wedding with Ruchikaa Kapoor, Shaheer Sheikh in an interview with Bombay Times had said, "Ruchikaa is honest when it comes to her feelings. The best part about our relationship is that we are friends first. Being an actor, I have to pretend in front of the camera all the time, but I have found a partner with whom I get to be myself. I've always said that I'm a 'wanderer' and I've finally found the right companion. I am looking forward to my never-ending travels with her." Just a few days back, Shaheer Sheikh had officially proposed Ruchikaa Kapoor by posting and adorable picture and caption on Instagram. In the picture, we see Ruchikaa Kapoor laughing as Shaheer Sheikh holds her hand and shows off a beautiful ring. Along with this picture, he wrote, "#TuHasdiRave excited for the rest of my life..#ikigai"
Shaheer Sheikh and Ruchikaa Kapoor met on the sets of Judgementall Hai Kya around two years ago. They have been dating for almost one-and-a-half years now. Congratulations to Shaheer Sheikh and Ruchikaa Kapoor!
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