Shamelss, starring Sayani Gupta and Hussain Dalal, is India's official entry at the Oscars in the Live Action Short Film Category. The 15-minute short, directed by Keith Gomes, beat a hot of other stiff contenders, including fan-favourite, Vidya Balan starrer Natkhat, the wow the panel, headed by chairman and filmmaker Rahul Rawail. For the uninitiated, the Live Actio nShort Category is one of three short categories at the Academy Awards, with the other two being the Best Animated Short Film Best Documentary Short Film.
Reacting to the good news, an ecstatic Sayani Gupta said, "My experience on Shameless was fantastic and now we submitting to the Oscars, it's a wow! Keith is wonderful as a director and very gentle with his actors and crew. Hussain, of course is a great friend, and it was a ball working with him. We have a silent communication and understanding when it comes to improvisations etc," while Hussain Dalal also lavished praise on his Director, adding, "Keith was clear with the way he wanted to tell this extremely unique story that communicates the hidden truth in society. We stayed honest to the process, had a blast making it. And then we're here, eligible for the Oscars."
The man of the moment, a jubilant Keith Gomes himself commented, "I observe human behaviour and love telling stories about the human spirit. This world needs kindness and my films are a reminder to not get lost into technology. I make films with little funding from family and friends, everyone comes together with loads of love and passion. Couldn't be more blessed."
Shameless is a 15-minute short film, modelled in the structure of a black-comedy thriller, directed by Keith Gomes and starring Sayani Gupta and Hussain Dalal.
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