The Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives has been garnering a lot of attention from the masses. The audience is divided over the series which strongly resembles the desi version of the reality TV show, Keeping Up with the Kardashians, far in the West. The Karan Johar produced series streams on one of the leading OTT platforms and revolves around the lives of Neelam Kothari, Maheep Kapoor, Bhavna Pandey and Seema Khan, wives of Bollywood actors Samir Soni, Sanjay Kapoor, Chunky Pandey and Sohail Khan respectively. Now, Karan Johar has been targeted mercilessly by the audience for promoting nepotism in the Hindi Film Industry. It all piped up after Sushant Singh Rajput's tragic demise in the month of June this year. And now as the series has been released, the nepotism debate is raging yet again.
Sanjay Kapoor, who made a cameo appearance in the series and the one who belongs to the affluent filmy families reacted to the same. The actor said that had nepotism really worked in their favour then he would have been the busiest actor. So, in one of the episodes of the Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives, Sanjay expresses his delight on bagging a Karan Johar movie. "I'm finally doing something with Karan. It took me 25 years for finally this nepotism to work. I've been hearing nepotism for three years. Nepotism, nepotism, nepotism - I've known Karan for 30 years. So finally, it's work which has got me work, not nepotism."
"People need to understand that. Otherwise, I would've been the busiest actor in the world. The amount of people I know, I would have been doing the best work in the best of films, everything. To dilute anybody's career by saying it happened because of nepotism I don't think it's fair," he adds while talking to his wife on the show. Later on, we see Maheep narrating her ordeal from her struggling days. She recalls having to survive on bread and jam and wait for Sanjay to bring food or pay for it while she was struggling as a model. Sanjay took a jibe at her and compared her struggle with Ananya Panday saying, "You struggle with jam and toast, you are sounding like Ananya. Your struggle is as good."
Have you seen the series yet? Let us know your thoughts about the same by tweeting @bollywood_life.
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