Well, Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor's munchkin Taimur Ali Khan has been paps' favourite, who always wins our hearts with his cute antics. While we are sure that like his parents, he has potential to rock on the silver screen, now his father has agreed to it. While having a conversation Jacqueline Fernandez and Amanda Cerny in their podcast, Saif spoke how his whole family is part of films and said, "My mother's been doing films since she was 16. She worked with Satyajit Ray a lot, and did about four or five movies with him. She was his muse, and he thought of her as the ultimate female representation of his art."
He added, "My sister is kind of in the movies, my wife, my ex-wife as well... So all of us. My daughter, my elder son wants to be an actor, and I think Taimur will be an actor for sure, he's entertaining us already." Talking about Ibrahim, Saif earlier told Spotboye, "Ibrahim seems prepared for a career in acting. And why not? I'd like all my children to be in this profession. It is the best place to work in. I remember at 17-18 I was a mess. Acting saved me from self-destruction. Having the job, the sense of identity it has given me and the job satisfaction and the enjoyment it has given me are more than I could ask for."
When asked whether he will launch his son, he answered Mumbai Mirror, "I don't know if I will launch him. It's an option and films are certainly a viable career choice for him. He's sporty and likes the idea of being in the movies rather than pursuing an academic job. No one in the family, with the exception of his sister (Sara Ali Khan), have been interested in the latter anyway."
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