Aditya Narayan had announced about his wedding with Shweta Agarwal recently. The singer had posted an adorable picture with Shweta on Instagram and penned down a note. He wrote, "We are getting married! I am the luckiest man alive to have found Shweta, my soulmate, 11 years ago & we are finally tying the knot in December. We are both extremely private people & believe that it's best to keep one's private life, well, private. Taking a break from social media for shaadi prep. See you in December ?? P.S. .. ?" Aditya Narayan and Shweta Agarwal's wedding celebrations have now begun. It began with the Tilak ceremony on Friday. The ritual marks the official meeting of the groom and bride's families, where a tilak is put on the groom's forehead. In an interview with ETimes, Aditya Narayan spoke about his Tilak ceremony.
He said, "Basically all men apply tilak on their forehead. It is an auspicious beginning to the wedding, which is a close knit function with family members and close friends." This Tilak ceremony will be followed by a gran wedding on December 1 and a wedding reception on December 2. For the unversed, Shweta Agarwal is Aditya Narayan's co-star from his debut Hindi film Shaapit. Earlier, in an interview with Times Of India, Aditya had revealed how he met Shweta Agarwal. He said, "I met Shweta on the sets of 'Shaapit' and we hit it off instantly. Slowly and gradually, I realised I was head-over-heels in love and started pursuing her."
"Initially, she wanted to be 'just friends', because we were both very young and needed to focus on our careers. Like every relationship, we have seen a lot of ups-and-downs over the last 10 years. Marriage is just a formality between us now, which hopefully should also happen by November or December," he added.
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