Bigg Boss 15 winner Tejasswi Prakash has been facing a massive flak ever since she called her fellow contestant Shamita Shetty an aunty during the last task of Salman Khan's reality show. The issue was highly discussed inside the Bigg Boss house, on the grand finale and now outside the show as well. Shilpa Shetty too has come out in defense of her sister Shamita and slammed Tejasswi for her insensitive remark. This particular incident reminded us of the time when Sonam Kapoor had called Aishwarya Rai Bachchan an 'aunty from another generation' and caused a huge stir all over.
As we all know that Sonam has never been afraid to speak her mind, be it for the good or bad. Her statements have often courted controversy. Back in 2009, Sonam had taken a massive dig at Aishwarya when she was announced as the face of an international beauty brand. It was being reported that Aishwarya had expressed displeasure over the same, since she was already the brand's face for many years.
During an interview, when Sonam was asked about replacing Aishwarya as the face of the beauty brand, she went on to say that Aishwarya is an aunty from another generation. She also said that she and Aishwarya belong to two different generations. She had clarified that Aishwarya has worked with her father Anil Kapoor, so obviously she will call her aunty.
But Sonam's statement didn't go down well with Aishwarya who then maintained a safe distance from her. When things got messier and Sonam was all over the news for the same, the diva had said that her words were taken out of context and did not want to get into the controversy.
Several years later, it was reported that Sonam and Aishwarya had buried the hatchet. Aishwarya was seen attending Sonam's wedding reception and it was being said that Sonam had personally invited her to the wedding.
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