Former Indian skipper MS Dhoni has finally made his OTT debut with mythological sci-fi web series titled Atharva: The Origin. He took to Facebook to reveal his first look from the graphic novel, based on writer Ramesh Thamilmani's work. In the video, Dhoni is seen in an animated avatar of that of an aghori fighting against a demon army on a battlefield. The web series is backed by Dhoni Entertainment which was launched in 2019 by Dhoni and his wife Sakshi with the documentary Roar Of The Lion. Atharva: The Origin is a mythological sci-fi that explores the journey of a mysterious Aghori. It is an adaptation of an unpublished book written by a debutant author.
MS Dhoni's wife Sakshi Singh Dhoni had earlier spoken about producing the series in her previous statement. "The book is a mythological sci-fi which explores the journey of a mysterious Aghori who has been captured at a high-tech facility. The secrets revealed by this Aghori could alter the myths of the ancient, beliefs of the existing and course of the forthcoming. We would like to ensure that we execute all the aspects of this universe and bring out every character and story to the screen, with as much precision as possible. Web-series fit our purpose better than adapting it into a feature film," she had said.
Interestingly, Dhoni is called Alpha and Sakshi is called Alpha 1 of the company. "Mahi's love for the Army is a well known fact. We thought of tweaking the designations and adding a quirky touch by giving ranks instead. It is an extension of our respect and admiration for the Armed Forces," Sakshi had earlier explained.
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