Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin's Neil Bhatt and Aishwarya Sharma held their wedding reception in the city recently. And guess what? Bollywood's OG Diva Rekha graced the occasion. Newly married lovebirds Neil and Aishwarya were shell-shocked on seeing the veteran gorgeous beauty joining them on their special day. Rekha blessed the couple on their wedding reception that was held in the maximum city. A video of the same has been going viral on social media right now. Check it out here:
Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin's cast that is, Ayesha Singh, Sheetal Maulik, Yogendra Vikram Singh, Sneha Bhawsar, Vishavpreet Kaur, Jitendra Bohara and more had joined Neil and Aishwarya at their wedding reception. They posed for the pictures together. Video of Ayesha Singh enjoying herself at Neil and Aishwarya's wedding reception is also going viral. We found some pics and videos from the reception on Instagram. Check them out here:
Neil Bhatt and Aishwarya Sharma had been dating for a while. They met on the sets of Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin for the first time and hit it off instantly. Earlier this year, the two got engaged, that is, that their Roka in presence of family. It was a family occasion and their fans were taken by a huge surprise.
Neil and Aishwarya got married in a traditional ceremony in Ujjain. It was a three-day affair with Haldi, Mehendi, Sangeet night planned elaborately by their families and friends. Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin cast hadn't been able to attend the wedding owing to their busy schedules. Ayesha Singh had revealed that she couldn't attend the wedding but was looking forward to the post-wedding celebrations.
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