Balika Vadhu 2 took a major leap yesterday in the show. Shivangi Joshi, Randeep Rai and Samriddh Bawa entered the show as grown-up Anandi, Anand and Jigar. And now, Shivangi has asked fans to show some support to the show and the characters. She took to her social media handle and shared some close-ups of herself as Anandi. She captioned the post saying, "A new journey starts tonight, shower your love and blessings to Anandi in Balika Vadhu tonight at 8.30 PM on Colors." Shivangi looks ethereal in a floral outfit. Check out her post here:
As soon as Shivangi posted the pictures on the gram, her friends and colleagues from the industry poured in their best wishes. Anupamaa aka Rupali Ganguly dropped a comment saying, "All the very best to the very best," with a lot of ward-off evil eyes emoticons and heart. Rajan Shahi dropped a heartfelt comment saying, "BEST WISHES SHIVANGI KEEP SHINING AND KEEP UP THE HARDWORK WITH HUMILITY AS ALWAYS...EXTREMELY PROUD OF U AND MAY ALL UR DREAMS WISHES COME TRUE..WE ALL IN DKP ARE VERY VERY PROUD OF U AND U R THE BEST ANYBODY IN THE INDUSTRY COULD WORK FOR OR WITH.GOOD LUCK TO U AND ENTIRE TEAM OF BV2 ...GOD BLESS THU THU THU." Vikas Kalantri, Neha Adhvik Mahajan, Nidhi Uttam, Shilpa Raizada, Lata Saberwal, Jaswir Kaur, Anagha Bhosale and more wished her luck too. Check out their comments here:
Earlier, Shivangi had opened up on playing Anandi in an interview. She had said, "The character is different from the first season. I play a 17-year-old college-going girl who is a well-mannered, positive and happy-go-lucky kind of girl. She is very cute and bubbly by nature."
Shivangi was a part of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai for about 6 years before quitting it a couple of months ago. She and Mohsin Khan have a huge fanbase. Shivangi's pairing with Randeep is already making a lot of noise. Let's see how the audience reacts to Shivangi as Anandi and her pairing with Randeep.
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