Since the past couple of days, there has been a huge buzz around The Kapil Sharma Show. The show was to shoot with the Honorable Minister of Women and Child Development, Smriti Irani. The latter, who is debuting as an author, was to promote her book on the much-loved comedy show on Sony Television. As per reports, Irani was refused entry on the set due to a misunderstanding. The delay caused due to the chaos resulted in the shoot being cancelled. But how much of this is true and what really happened on the day of the BIG shoot? BollywoodLife has unearthed exclusive details about the same.
What really happened?
A highly placed source close to the channel that airs The Kapil Sharma Show has confirmed that the incident did happen. "It happened four days ago. There was a misunderstanding caused after the security guard failed to recognize the minister and didn't allow entry to the set. Kapil or the team didn't even know that this was happening outside, while they prepped for the shoot inside the studio," said the source further revealing that the incident has put the makers in a very embarrassing situation.
"When the team found out, they were very embarrassed. Kapil also profusely apologised to the Honorable minister," said the source, sharing why there has been no official confirmation as yet. "It is part of damage control. They want all the speculations to die down and then perhaps Kapil will take to his social media to share that it really happened and why," the source shared.
The Kapil Sharma Show has been one of the most loved comedy shows and the comedian Kapil's knack of bringing out the funny, unknown side of his celeb guests is what makes it so special for the audience.
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