Pawan Kalyan and Prakash Raj starrer Vakeel Saab continued to shatter records at the box office as the film has crossed the Rs 100 crore mark at the domestic market. The courtroom drama has become the second-highest opening week grosser of 2021 after Thalapathy Vijay's Master, which had a wider release compared to Vakeel Saab. In fact, if we compare, the seven day collections of Vakeel Saab in Andhra Pradesh, it is more than the 9 day business of Master in Tamil Nadu. Since there are no big releases in the coming days, we are expecting this film to continue its dominance at the box office. The film has already beaten the collections of Pink and Nerkonda Paarvai by a huge margin.
... #VakeelSaab Dialogue Promo 5
?? #SriramVenu @shrutihaasan @i_nivethathomas @yoursanjali @AnanyaNagalla @SVC_official @MusicThaman @bayviewprojoffl @BoneyKapoor @adityamusic#VakeelSaabJusticeServed
Sri Venkateswara Creations (@SVC_official) April 14, 2021
Vakeel Saab is directed by Sriram Venu of MCA (Middle Class Abbayi) fame. The film also features Shruti Haasan, Nivetha Thomas, Anjali, Ananya Nagalla, Mukesh Rishi, Dev Gill, Subbaraju, Vamsi Krishna and Anasuya Bharadwaj in pivotal roles. The music of the film is composed by S Thaman and the cinematography is done by PS Vinod while the editing department is headed by Prawin Pudi.
Jointly produced by Dil Raju and Boney Kapoor under Sri Venkateswara Creations and Bay View Projects LLP, the film is the official remake of 2016 film Pink, which featured Amitabh Bachchan along with Taapsee Pannu, Andrea Tariang, Angad Bedi, Tushar Pandey, Piyush Mishra, and Dhritiman Chatterjee in pivotal roles. In fact, Pink was remade in Tamil in 2019 as Nerkonda Paarvai, which starred Ajith Kumar, Shraddha Srinath, Abhirami Venkatachalam, Andrea Tariang, Arjun Chidambaram, Adhik Ravichandran, Aswin Rao, Rangaraj Pandey, Sujith Shankar, Delhi Ganesh, Jayaprakash and others. So, have you watched the film in theatres? Tweet and let us know @bollywood_life
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