Netflix has dropped the trailer of their upcoming ensemble film, Sardar Ka Grandson, and suffice it to say that it's looking like the best Bollywood film on the OTT platform in a long, long time. Starring Arjun Kapoor, Neena Gupta Rakul Preet Singh, Soni Razdan, Kanwaljit Singh, Kumud Mishra and Divya Seth, with John Abraham and Aditi Rao Hydari in cameos, the film tells the heartwarming story of a grandson (Arjun Kapoor) who goes out of his way to to fulfill his grandmother (Neena Gupta)'s wish of revisiting her old home in Lahore, Pakistan, from which she was separated during partition. The Sardar Ka Grandson trailer promises an uplifting, emotional, and heartfelt movie, raising hope for both Netflix India and Arjun Kapoor's best film in years. Watch the trailer below...
Opening up about Sardar Ka Grandon Director Kaashvie Nair said, "Sardar Ka Grandson is personal because it is a delectable mix of my grandparents and my attachment to my childhood home. It celebrates the unconditional love between grandparents and grandchildren. I feel like I am one of the luckiest debut directors to have an eclectic mix of actors, a strong crew and unconditional support from the producers Nikkhil, Madhu, Monisha, John and Bhushan Kumar. Bringing the story to life on Netflix is just the icing on the cake! Can't wait to see how the world reacts to our film."
Veteran actress Neena Gupta said, "This is the first time that I'm playing a character like this. A lot of effort was put into honing the way Sardar talked, looked, and reacted to situations. Sardar Ka Grandson is a joyous ride filled with mixed emotions which will make the audience smile, and also leave a tear or two in their eyes. I just wanted everyone to watch this film with their family and have a great time"
Sharing his thoughts on the film, Arjun Kapoor said, "Sardar Ka Grandson is an emotional film with a strong message. This will be a perfect family viewing experience - for all! Being a part of the film with such an amazing ensemble cast was a very pleasant experience and shooting with them never felt like work. The experience constantly helped me learn and grow. I can't wait for the audience to see this sweet relationship between a grandmother and her grandson, which has never been portrayed in this manner."
Sardar Ka Grandson releases 18th May 2021 on Netflix.
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