The nepotism debate has again picked up on social media courtesy Karan Johar. The filmmaker recently made a big announcement that he will be launching Sanjay Kapoor's daughter, Shanaya, into Bollywood under his home production banner, Dharma Productions. Within a few minutes, trolls barged into the scene to criticize KJo and Shanaya with nepotism jibes. From calling Karan Johar the flagbearer of nepotism to accusing Shanaya of going under the knife to enhance her looks before her much-awaited Bollywood debut, the trolls showed no mercy whatsoever. But one may ask, what's the issue?
There's no denying that nepotism exists in the film industry, but where is it not? It exists everywhere, in every field of work. Be it in the corporate world or the government, nepotism is deeply rooted in our society. If you go and ask your neighbour or relatives what their kids are going to do, they will probably answer it by saying something like, 'take over the family business' or 'become a doctor or an engineer like their parents.'
One should always highlight nepotism when and where it occurs. It will certainly bring a right change in the society. For example, a person 'A' has applied for a job and gets shortlisted by the employer on his/her merit. A person 'B' is a close friend or a relative of the employer. He/she applies for the same job but is less competent and the employer decides to hire B over A, disregarding his/her merit, nepotism occurs.
Coming back to Bollywood, over the past several decades, moviegoers have admired and accepted both star kids and outsiders with open arms and made them overnight stars. Not because they belonged to the Kapoor clan or the Khans or the Babbars or the Deols, but they showed some spark that connected with the majority of the audience. So many star kids have got brutally rejected and many outsiders like Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan went on to become the biggest stars in the country. We all have cheered for them (star kids or outsiders), stood in long queues to buy hefty movie tickets, enjoyed their performances and went back home with good or bad cinematic experiences.
Now if Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan wishes to become an actor like his superstar father, wouldn't the King Khan help his son in whatever capacity he could? He will certainly put his own hard-earned money at stake and use his connections (which he has established over the years) to pave a smooth way for his Bollywood debut. And we bet, every man and woman on earth would do the same for their children and watch them become successful in life. Even Kangana Ranaut, who initiated the nepotism debate, appointed her brother Akshit as the legal advisor for her production company Manikarnika Films and made her sister Rangoli Chandel her celebrity manager.
There's no denying the fact that star kids, coming from an illustrious background, enjoy a special privilege that helps them pave an easy way into the industry. Whereas people coming from small towns and outside the industry, tend to struggle more as compared to star kids. Their struggle is real and it shouldn't be ignored in any way possible. The Gully Boy actor Siddhant Chaturvedi had rightly summed up the nepotism debate saying, "Jahan humare sapne pure hote hai wahan inka (star kids) struggle shuru hota hai." It proves that even if star kids get an unfair advantage over outsiders, it doesn't deprive others of opportunities in the industry. If you have what it takes to be the person who you want to be, then there's no stopping you.
Just give it a thought, know the difference and get your facts right.
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